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The reality about driver recruiting

Did you know that;

On average, only about 1-3% of respondents to open driver jobs are actually ever hired. A “respondent” is defined as a potential applicant who inquires about an advertised driver position.

Alarmingly, most hiring authorities report that for every driver vacancy they need to draw 33 to 100 respondents in order to fill the position.

Furthermore, industry research indicates that most driver recruiting personnel spend .25-.5 hours per respondent (or 25-50 hours per 100 respondents) discussing the position details and responding to inquiries about the position.

As only 1-3% of respondents are ever hired, on average, 97-99% of the time spent addressing respondents is spent on “non-hires”.

Of those respondents, only 50% will ever complete an application.

This number can range as high as 80% for premium driver positions and as low as 25% for less desirable driving jobs.

Roughly 50% of all respondents will fall off before application is completed due to insufficient qualifications or lack of serious interest.

Of the applications completed, only 20-24% will pre-qualify to be interviewed, screened and further tested for the driver job.

76-80% of driver candidates that complete a driver application will fail to meet minimal qualifications.

For the 20-24% of driver job applicants that do pre-qualify, most hiring authorities spend roughly 10.5 hours per driver applicant on background screening, interviewing and administration.

At $20-$40 per administrative hour this equates to $210-$420 per driver applicant to process each driver on top of the processing costs incurred at the respondent stage.

Of the driver applicants who meet minimal qualifications only 5-12% will continue on to be hired.

88-95% of all applicant processing resources are directed toward “non-hires”.

Industry research indicates that on average, 130-176 man-hours are required to process 100 respondents in order to fill 1-3 open driver jobs.

Amazingly, though it is the most significant portion of the driver recruitment expenditure most organizations do not track or include the cost of “non-hire” recruitment processing when calculating driver recruiting costs.